Yukon Climate Change Mental Health Initiative

The Yukon Climate Change Mental Health Initiative (YCCMHI) is a project led by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Yukon Division (CMHA-YT). The initiative is focused on engaging with groups across the territory to normalize and support dialogue about the impacts of climate change on Yukoners’ mental health. We hope to learn about how Yukoners are experiencing these mental health effects, better understand how people and communities are coping, and gain insight into what types of programs and resources would be helpful.

CMHA-YT operates on the traditional territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta'an Kwach'an Council. We recognize that our work within and beyond these lands is situated amongst a long history of colonial oppression and Indigenous stewardship. YCCMHI honours the voices and knowledge of Indigenous peoples and communities as essential to our wellbeing in a changing climate.